This comment really spoke to me and hit me right in the heart. Why am I so fearful?? And of course God loves me! The question should have never been if He loved me or not, it should have been what does He want me to gain from this experience. I can also honestly say that even though my family has gone through a pretty hard financial time, our needs have ALWAYS been met. This Christmas may be a small Christmas, but maybe that is exactly what God wants! Maybe He wants me to focus on all the blessings He has given me like my beautiful Gracie, my wonderful husband, and my awesome family and friends. It's not about the gifts, it's about His son and what He gave to the world! I am not to focus on the presents and what I don't have, but instead focus on what I DO have and all that He has given me. I am His daughter and He will always take care of me NO MATTER WHAT!!
And today I proudly report how gracious and GOOD our God is!! My sister got a job and starts on Monday!!! YAY God and Congrats Kara!!
I also wanted to post a picture of my beautiful blessing, Gracie. I just can't get enough of this cutie!!

On a side note, I follow a blog written by Angie Smith (she is the wife of Todd Smith, lead singer of Selah). About two years ago she was pregnant with a baby girl and found out that the baby had a terminal illness and would not live past delivery. She carried the sweet baby, and it died shortly after she gave birth. The blog is her journey through that trial. I love reading her words and find such enouragement in her writing. Her new post is very inspiring and I hope it speaks to you as much as it spoke to me!