Grace, along with her cousin Adriana will be dedicated to the Lord next Saturday during their baby dedication ceremony. However, the day I found out I was pregnant with her, I had already dedicated her to the Lord, but next Saturday will be her "official" day in front of witnesses. I am really excited and a bit anxious, only because I feel I will be very emotional haha. I am SOO very thankful to my Father in Heaven for my baby Grace, probably more than I let on. You see, I lost my first baby last year after being pregnant for only 11 weeks in a miscarriage. This past April would have been his or her year birthday. I miss the baby I never got to see or get to know. However, I KNOW that my baby is in Heaven with Jesus. So, when I think of Grace's dedication, I picture our Father smiling down with my first baby in His arms. I imagine the Lord talking to my baby and telling him or her that their baby sister is being dedicated to become a part of the family! Even though my arms ache to hold the child I lost, I am also VERY comforted in the fact that they will grow up with the Lord Almighty.
My first child's life was very short but their purpose is everlasting on my life. I know Grace has a GREAT purpose as well. I pray that she fulfills all that God has for her. I cannot wait to officially dedicate her life to the Lord in front of all our friends and family and of course our Father and her older brother/sister in Heaven. I don't have much to say tonight, but I just wanted to put a few thoughts down that were rolling around in my head.
Lord, thank you for the children you have given me and for those You have yet to give me.
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